Create a sponsorship strategy
Approaching and Securing Sponsorships
Create a sponsorship strategy.
Identify your sponsor donation levels and what you will provide in return for each level. Consider what may be important to the sponsor and be flexible in your approach, making it clear that you are open to ideas on how you can provide value for their donation or further their business goals.
Check out examples of sponsorship donation levels in the Location Examples folder in the Resource section of our guidebook.
Here are a few more things to consider:
Brand visibility is a way for organizations to get their name out to the community and has the potential to increase sales and attract new talent. Companies may want to see their logo everywhere from t-shirts to marketing collateral. Be specific on what level of sponsorship will provide such recognition and how you will promote their brand.
Be clear on how you will recognize them for their generosity before, during, and after the celebration. Based on their level of sponsorship, invite them to review materials that will include their logo or where they will be acknowledged (press releases, announcements, etc.).
Be willing to track and provide metrics to help evaluate the exposure the sponsor received throughout the campaign. Keeping the lines of communication open is important. Even if the numbers are not eye-popping the ability to show that you delivered what you promised is impactful. Building good sponsor relationships based on honesty and trust is essential and will make it more likely to get them on board next year.
Tag us on Twitter @WorldIADay and Facebook and we will share your posts with our network as well. We love to help promote our generous sponsors from around the world.
Determine who on the team will reach out to each sponsor to avoid duplicate inquiries. You should also establish a plan to follow up with sponsors. Most of the time, 8 days is appropriate. Consider following up with a phone call to make a more human connection.
It’s wise to plan out what you will say before approaching a sponsor. Create a script that expresses a passion for IA, its value, and why sponsoring World IA Day would benefit them and the community (keep personas and your research in mind).
If you need a little inspiration, check out Selling Information Architecture by Abby Covert.
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